Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More Cards!

(Click on picture to see them up close)

Love these! I've already used half of them and I've only had them for about 5 days! Cardmaking has saved me a bunch of money and time.

Snap Beans

This summer my family has been blessed with the opportunity to teach our kids about gardens. My husband took them to plant the garden, check on it and pick from it. I've gotten to teach them how to wash veggies, snap "snap beans", shell butter beans, etc.

It's been really fun. And it has reminded me a lot of hanging out with my grandparents and their garden. Snapping green beans, shelling butterbeans and silking the corn. Riding our big wheels and bikes up and down dusty dirt roads. Driving my Papa's white two door car, with red velty interior through a creek to get to his garden patch.

Fun to remember, fun to teach and fun just to enjoy.

We're enjoying our green beans cooked for about 5-10 minutes and then add a dab of butter.


My husband recently cooked us ratatouille for a date night. It was pretty good. Great way to use all those summer vegetables in from the garden. He researched how to make it a lot. Several websites suggested you serve ratatouille with mashed poatatoes. We tried it without and with and I have to tell you it was best with the mashed taters.

Of course, isn't everything good with mashed potatoes? ;-)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sweet Reunions

Okay, so if you've been watching the news at all over the last several months, you know that the North Korean Government has been holding two US reporters for crossing illegally into their country and they were sentenced to Hard Labor in a work camp.

Over the past 24 hours, they were released by the head of the North Korean government into the care of Former President, Bill Clinton.

I was in tears, sobbing, as I scrolled through the pictures of these women being reunited with their families today. I just showed the video to my husband and started crying again! I look at these pictures of these two accomplished women and their families, who have been seperated for months, not knowing what the future held for them. To see them fall into each others arms, embrace, cry tears of joy and let loose the anguish they felt, just hit my heart.

This picture of reunion that I saw for these families today, the relief I felt for them, the joy, happiness and urgency to wrap there arms around those that love them, is for me, just really impacted me.

When I die, and got to be with Jesus, there will be no more anguish. Pure joy. No more tears. Jesus will be there to greet me and wrap His arms around me. And I'll get hugs from Grandparents that doted on me as a little girl, a little baby I didn't get to meet, a tigger like hug from a soldier, hear the joyous laugh of an African friend and see the graceful twirl of a little friend, who loved my husband's laugh.


"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Been a Busy Summer

So, I am taking the remainder of my summer, the hot, humid days in August, to declutter inside my house and study up on how to improve my yard with fall planting.

That and getting a kiddo read for school, has kept me very busy.

I am going to post some pictures of summer later to do.