Friday, May 23, 2008

flylady helped me clean my sink....

Ok, so it's been a crazy 7-year old started last weekend with a fever/stomach bug.... my twin 1year old girl had pink eye in both eyes on monday, I got a fever on tuesday (along with headache and sore throat) ends up it's strep...and my twin 1year old boy has gunky eyes today! Whew....needless to say, the house isn't in any condition for visitors (not that i would let anyone near this germ infested place)...however, today I did get a Lysol wipe and wipe down every doorknob and light switch (plus the telephones and computer mouse). And, yesterday, I shined my sink! I think that there are times that if I can just get something done it does my mental health well. It was that way with my sink yesterday. Here's the link: I know that there's more to life than a clean sink....and I know that this has nothing to do with hospitality, but my week hasn't had much to do with hospitality....just survival. :)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I am going to have to try this! Thanks for posting the link!