Monday, May 11, 2009

Flowers for a Friend

Vase from the $1 store.

Flowers from my garden. Well, my four rose bushes. If you know me, you know I clearly have no idea what I am doing! :-)

Here is where this gets funny. The flowers were actually for my daughter's teacher during Teacher Appreciation week. Children were asked to bring in a flower for their teacher, and I was asked to bring the vase in for the flowers that the kids would be bringing in. So I went to Wal-mart, got a tall vase. I knew we would pick our flowers from our rose bushes, but didn't take in to account that our stems would be super short. So, said tall vase that I got, didn't work with my short stemmed roses! I felt like a real dufus. The only short vase I had was square shaped. So I had to shear my rose bushes, so to fill the vase. It turned out cute for a really big mistake.

BUT, it made other kids feel bad. Which I didn't take into account as I was shearing bushes, so that my child wouldn't get upset about her contribution to the flowers.

What does this say? To me it says, give from the heart...don't worry about what others think. But am I teaching this to my children? Something for me to think about.

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