Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Bridal Shower

Check out the detail on this cake made by Esther. She's amazing. It tasted even better. It was delicious.

A small gathering of ladies, a soon to be bride, a silly game of pictionary where all rounds were played team vs. team and every drawing was a "could cause tension in the marriage situation" ( shavings in the sink, backseat driver, farting issues, etc.)

The hostess, asked us to go around the room and if we felt like it, we could share just a brief statement of lessons learned in marriage. I could think of things to say, but most of the other guests had much more experience at being married than I did. I've been married 10 years and I walked away with some good reminders.

One was-- even if you are only 10% in the wrong when there has been a disagreement between you and your loved one, still say you are sorry and ask for their forgiveness.

Another one was, when you are having a hard time understanding, pray and ask God to give you understanding of what's going on with your spouse. You'll be surprised how God answers you.

Go to bed at the same time.

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