Sunday, March 1, 2009

Soccer Goal Safety

I know, nothing to do with hospitality. Some of you are probably rolling your eyes at me, b/c this is the 3rd time you've heard this story!

But sometimes the only way to change to get the word out.

So, my daughter was hit in the head last week by a falling soccer goal. The goal was not secured to the ground. It says on the post, "to prevent serious injury, goal must be secured to ground".

She was just playing soccer on her school playground and it was a blustery day. She and a friend were under the goal, her foot got stuck in the net, they bent down to fix it, the wind knocks over the hits my 9 year old in the head and the other 9 year old in the back. Now these goals according to the manufacturer weight btwn. 200-425 lbs each..depending on the model. So it hit both of those children hard, and thank God there were two of them, b/c if it had been just one of them, I assure you the results could've been far worse b/c the force of the goal falling would have been much harder.

I did an internet search and there have been serious injuries and around 30 deaths that have occurred b/c soccer goals were not secured to the ground.

My suggestion is, 1) always check to make sure the goal is secured and can't tip over 2) make sure kids don't hang on the goals 3) don't let them play soccer with the goal if it isn't secure.

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