Sunday, March 1, 2009

Such a Control Freak!

Seriously. I am such a control freak! Recently I was at an event that I didn't plan, and things were going awry, and I kept suggesting that we do something else. My husband had to pull me aside and remind me, that this wasn't my thing...I needed to chill and let the hostess take the lead.

I totally didn't mean any harm. I was just trying to be sensitive to others, but I probably ended up being pretty offensive and not so sensitive to my hosts.

Just a reminder, when you are in someone else's matter how things are going along, it's probably best to let your hosts take the lead. It's so hard to do some times, b/c some of us, have a really hard time hosting or sometimes we have a really hard time keeping our mouths shut and following someone else's lead.

As for me, I am just a control freak and I need to get over that!

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