Friday, February 20, 2009

Paper Towel Challenge

I wrote earlier this year that I was going to be more eco-friendly and economically minded this year. Being a very big paper towel user, had to figure out how to cut back on that expense and waste.

So, I got a bunch of bar mops for Christmas and decided to be more diligent about wiping up messes with bar mops instead of paper towels.

I am happy to report that I am reformed! :-)

We are using less than one roll of paper towels a week. This was a big feat for me b/c we were using a lot more than that a week.

Also, on the dishwasher and clothes dryer front, we have noticed a difference in our electricity bill. I also have noticed since I've been following the directions on the packaging for washing powder/detergent...that we've not had to buy as much detergent. A lot of times we put more soap in than was really required.

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