Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Coupon Hero

There is a woman in Iowa, Kay MacVey, who clips coupons for military personnel and then ships the coupons to them worldwide. I read about her in the American Profile in our local paper. She has a goal of saving our men and women in uniform over 1 million dollars.

I clip coupons every week, and I am sure that I save enough money each week to pay for a stamp to send the coupons I don't use to Mrs. MacVey.

Here is her address:
Kay MacVey
3419 Polaris Dr.
Ames, Iowa 50010

I don't think you even have to clip them, you can just send the stack of coupons in your paper to her and she has people that are her "clippers". If you are local to me, and would like to just hand your coupons to me, I'll mail them for you. :-)

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