Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cool Stuff

Place holders for the table/treats from the hostess for all the kids in attendance of the Easter lunch we went to today. The little baskets were in the $1 section at Target. Filled with a few goodies and print the name on the basket and they make really fun place holders!

Sugar Cookies from our Easter Celebration! Aren't they cool? Our friend picked them up at a local bakery.

Not a great picture. Sorry about that! The red egg shaped thingy is an egg timer. It was a stocking stuffer gift from my dad and mom in law, a few years ago. We love it at our house. Can't believe we didn't have one before. You put it and the eggs in a pot, cover with water, place on the stove and watch the timer for whether the eggs are soft, medium or hard boiled.

1 comment:

Tobryant said...

What a great time - I covet your egg timer by the way.