Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oh, my poor lonely blog!

It's been nearly a month since my last post! Sorry, dear readers! The last month has been a flurry of activity. Right now I am getting a crash course in home improvement, coupon clipping and trying out new recipes.

So, here is the thing...I've got some things that I have learned over the last few weeks.

1) When people have suffered great losses in their lives, such as that of a loved one, put it on your calendar to remind you in a month, 6 months or a you can send them a note to remind them that you haven't forgotten about their loss. After talking several times with people that have lost dear ones, sometimes they are afraid people will forget their loved one. Plus, they just miss them. So, mark that date down on your calendar, so that you don't forget and pray for the family. They need it.

2) Fresh Fruit when taking a meal to a family with small children is always a good idea. Don't forget seedless green grapes! Kids are more likely to eat grapes than pineapple and cantelope.

3) Painting trim and doors in your house. Oh, my goodness...I had no idea what a difference it makes. Everything seems brighter and crisper. We've only been in our house for 4 years, but the baseboards and trim really needed work!

1 comment:

Liz said...

What great reminders Kelly. I have a friend who lost her son just this morning to leukemia. I have already marked 3,6 and 12 months in my planner to send her a little something.You are so right. And the fruit for kids...priceless.