Monday, May 31, 2010

This is for you Angie! :)

Well, I've been thinking about writing on this little ole blog for a few weeks now..but with the prodding of a friend, I decided it was time to write it again.

So, in honor of this friend...I thought I would repost my .....

Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

One of our favorite meals to share with others when they need a meal for a new baby, illness in their family, just because they need a night off or they are missing a loved one that has died.

1 1/2 cups cooked chicken, cubed
1 1/2 cans cream of celery soup (low sodium is fine)
1 can of mixed veggies
1 box pillsbury pie crust
dash of salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl mix together chicken, soup, veggies. Place bottom of pie dish. Pour ingredients in pie crust, adding a little salt and pepper to taste. Place top of pie crust on top, be sure to cut a small vent in the pie crust pastry. I like to make design a flower or initial or something.

Love to serve this with fresh fruit.

It is very easy to make two of these at one time, make one for your family and take one to another family or freeze it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh YUMMY!! Thanks Kelly for thinking of me. I told you I check your sight often. Good Luck with everything! You all will continue to be in our prayers. Hope to see you again soon! Love you guys!!