Saturday, October 18, 2008

Breakfast For A Crowd

Friday I organized and headed up a PTA breakfast for the staff at my daughter's school. I've never been in charge of a meal where I had to feed 125 people and depend on over 30 other people to do their part and show up with their stuff. That was hard for this perfectionist. I think that I probably only got 3 hours of sleep b/c I was just so worried about it coming together. I finally had to get up from my bed, frustrated b/c I knew I was tired and nervous about the meal and tell God I was sorry for being such a stress case.

So here is the thing, the whole point of serving in your community is to show care and kindness to others. And I think I nearly missed the point and joy in serving, because I was so worked up!

But here is what I learned:

1) Hashbrown Casseroles, quiches and breakfast casseroles were a hit!
2) Fresh fruit is essential
3) They didn't eat donuts
4) Coffee Cake went over well
5) Good coffee is so important

I think the main mission of the breakfast was achieved: Show the teachers and staff we appreciate them. And I think they felt appreciated.
I have a friend that has just launched a local floral business. She made the flower arrangement at the top of the page. Isn't it gorgeous? Fresh Flowers made the event even nicer.

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