Saturday, October 25, 2008

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is one of my favorite charities. My 8 year old daughter remembers the first time we packed a shoebox several years ago and looks forward to it every year. This year, she and a few of her friends asked me if they could be in charge of Operation Christmas Child for our church. How could I say "no, I won't help you?" They wanted to do something for other kids.
So, I encouraged one of them to write the Pastor to make sure he was on board, of course he said "YES!"

So, today my 8 year old and I shopped for about $15 worth of goodies to pack in a shoe box. Then she wrote a note, enclosed a picture and $7 for shipping costs. She'll show this box off at church in hopes that others will want to participate.

If you don't know OCC basically it is a program run by Samaritan's Purse out of Boone, NC. You take a shoebox, wrap it and it's lid in Christmas paper, decide boy or girl and what age, go shopping for toiletries, school supplies, lollipops, flashlights, toys, etc. Pack them up, write a note and drop it off at a location collecting the shoe boxes. They'll take it to a place where children are living in poverty. Give the boxes out and if the children are interested, they can attend a Bible class at later time.

Mostly it is just loving those who are born into circumstances that are beyond their control. One child said, " I believe that nothing is impossible to God. I believe Jesus loves me and poverty is not a hindrance to my dreams...Jesus is with me!" How sweet is that?

If you want to check it out, follow this link....

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