Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cleaning Shortcut

Awhile ago, my friend, Becky, told me about Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubbers. They come with a handle thingy and disposable sheets that velcro on to the handle thingy.

Anyway, it works great! Here is what you should do. Give your shower a good scrub down like you would normally do. Then once a week or more often if you need too- just use this action scrubber thing and it makes keeping the shower clean a lot easier, faster and I am using a lot less paper towels and cleaner as a result.

I don't enjoy the fragrance of the scrubbers at all,but I love that you can use them on the handle or take the sheet thing off for cleaning too. It cleans under sliding glass shower doors really well!

Another hint: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser with Fabreeze scent--has made cleaning my baseboards/molding so much easier this spring.

I don't usually endorse cleaning products like this, but they've made my life so much easier! :-)

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