Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Mad Hostess: Hello, My Name is Kelly. I Get Mad.

Okay, so I have a confession to make. Having people over was always a big deal to me. In fact I would get mad. Not at the people coming over, but mad at my husband for inviting them (yeah I know real mature), my kids (for being kids and making a mess) and myself (for not being really good at being a housekeeper, cook, etc.).

If you've been to my house, I loved having you here. I am always okay, once my guests arrive. And I enjoy them. My freak out/temper tantrum usually happened/happens before people come over. I've mostly grown out of this problem, but like any problem (or sin), I am confronted with it from time to time.

Look, some people just have the gift of hospitality. Some people are extroverted and love to be around other people. Some folks can whip up something in the kitchen effortlessly and serve it on fine china. Some people have immaculate carpet and a well decorated house. Some have all of the above. I am an introvert, I didn't enjoy cooking, I am not a great housekeeper and learning to decorate has been an uphill battle. So, when people were coming over it seemed like a lot of work for me physically and emotionally--I'd get mad.

My perfectionism also made me mad. My expectations, you got it, made me mad.

Do you have something that just really makes you mad? What do you do with that kind of anger? How do you move past a road block? Why do you keep falling into the same trap? Are you as tired of being angry as I am/was?

I am going to attempt to talk about what I went from becoming extremely aggravated and mad about having people into my home, to actually really enjoying it. So, check back in a couple of days...

1 comment:

The Witkowski Family said...

Introvert, no way!!! You are the nicest, sweetest person we have met in North Carolina!!

Michele & Randy Witkowski