Monday, December 1, 2008

My First Set of Actual Dinner Guests

They were my first actual set of dinner guests. And I let them know it about 15 times in the course of their visit with us. They were so gracious and thoughtful and I was a complete wreck.

They weren't just my first dinner guests, they were complete strangers. So here I was having to not only make my first company meal, but I was having to do it for strangers! And let me remind you that I am an introvert. Which made it even more crazy!

I made an Irish Stew kind of number,which proably wasn't heart healthy, but it tasted good and I put in a Mrs. Smith's Apple Pie,which is always a safe bet for dessert.

They actual liked the food and once I relaxed, I could actually enjoyed them.

But I can honestly say, that this first time having someone into my home, was where the term "Mad Hostess" was probably first spoken. My poor husband, he probably didn't realize how mad I would get b/c of my perfectionism. It was graduate housing, so it was only 900 square feet, but the whole thing had to be spotless. The food had to be perfect and the table setting flawless. I think I probably fussed about everything and with everything.

I think I may have even accomplished making my guests nervous for me.

So while the meal may have come off as a success, my heart was a mess. My attitude a mess. The way I treated my family a big mess. And that's were God's grace comes in, I may have failed, but God used the time to point me in the right direction, towards Him. I have to say I failed and failed at hospitality more times than I can count, but God has (and is) taking this angry, perfectionist, selfish-need to succeed heart and turning it to something He can use.

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