Friday, January 23, 2009

Slightly off topic...but worth it!

Okay, so my husband says that I cannot post about this, b/c it has nothing to do with hospitality. I say this is my blog....I can do whatever I want.

Today I had the day off and a gift card to the Cheesecake Factory.

Never had their cheesecake before, but I talked my husband into a piece. It's $8.99, but worth every penny.

The 30th Anniversary Cheesecake.

It's got plain cheese cake and chocolate. Look, there are just days when you need cheesecake. I am thinking that even though I haven't made it to tomorrow, I may need another piece! :0) Just kidding. It was great though!

Be sure to share with someone else b/c the piece is huge. We weren't crazy about the dollop of frosting on top, but hey what are kids for...give them the frosting you eat the cheesecake!

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