Thursday, October 23, 2008

How To Save Electricity

I am still on my save money, save the environment kick. I read these tips on saving on electricity in Real Simple:

Don't overload the fridge. Space in the fridge helps the cold air circulate better, which maximizes efficiency. Opposite for the freezer, the tigher it is packed the better. It uses less energy this way. You can use bags of ice to fill it up.

In the fridge keep thing covered. The refrigerator has to work harder when pitchers don't have lids on them. I guess it is harder to keep them cool.

Unplug electronics when they are not in use. They draw power even if they are off.

Keep clean filters in your electric heating system or air conditioner systems.

I think it is ironic that I am posting about saving electricity and I just looked up and every light on in the house is on. Reminds me of an old country song, "Every light in the house is on, the back yard is buring like the crack of dawn. Front porch looks like runway lights...blah, blah, blah"
I know cheesy, but it popped into my head.

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