Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have so much I want to post on today. Mostly b/c I've been thinking about a bunch of stuff and just haven't had the time to pound it out on the computer.

I've been thinking about recycling a lot. Earlier this year our town switched our recycling bins. We went from these small green boxes to big bins on wheels about 1/2 the size of our large wheeled trash cans. It's kinda cool.

I feel like if I am not filling up that recycling bin every week, then I am not doing my part. I have found that I have gone from 3-4 trash bags in my garbage to 1-2 garbage bags and a filled to the brim recycling bin! Visible proof that the recycling program in our town works.

Which leads me to my next thought. Real Simple Magazine (my favorite mag.) has had articles the last several months on how to recycle. Crocs can be recycled. Tennis shoes. Even unused prescription medicines. These are not traditional recyclables, but the kind that the companies recycling these products send you postage and then recycle them for poor people through out the world.

Also, I just read that most recycling locations do not recycle milk caps. (The plastic takes to long to melt). That is even more incentive for me to shop at Harris Teeter for my milk. They will donate 5 cents back to my child's school for every Harris Teeter brand milk cap (one with an H) that they get back. So I can recycle the jug, the milk cap, make money for my school and they have pretty competitive prices on their milk.,21770,1835098,00.html

I've also given my 3 year old the job of putting the recycling items in the bin. I put a bunch of them by my door to the garage everyday and say, "Help! Help! I need someone to do the recycling!! We gotta take care of the earth." I know... such a dork I am...but she loves it!

I have a friend that actually bought a new trashcan just for recycling and she keeps it in her kitchen and then empties that into her bigger bin.

Think about it. The situation with pollution and the environment won't get better unless we start making changes. Listen to me, I sound like such a tree hugger!

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