Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Moving Furniture Around

So, if you don't have "moving men" or furniture slides, get some. I move my furniture around all the time. Mostly b/c I have an oddly shaped living room and we have gatherings at our house and well, we need to maximize the space.

Last night I set my living room up 4 different ways. We set it up the way my husband wanted to try, the way my 8 year old wanted to try and the way my mother in law wanted to try it. We haven't succeeded in find just the right set up yet, but we are working on it. As I sit on my couch today and write this blog, I am amazed at how moving your furniture around makes the place seem brighter.

I guess we all need changes from time to time.

And I haven't forgotten about posting about why God is my closest friend. I have not chickened out because I am afraid of what you'll think of me....if I tell you how I feel about the whole Jesus thing. It's just I want to say it well. So, stay tuned...

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