Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I remember my first experience with fondue well. It was at Mimi's house. She was my other Grandmother, also a natural hostess, amazing cook, friend, encourager. In fact if she wasn't in heaven with Jesus, I could hear her cheering me on now! The thing is, Mimi had a bunch of kids and she passed on her hospitable nature to them all. And to this day they all love having folks around.

Mimi had this great fondue pot. It had to be from the late 60s early 70s. I think it was mustard color or somewhere in that color family.

I remember getting to cook my own food. I remember too, how much fun the conversation was. Everyone gathered around the table, talking, laughing.

Fondue to this day seems to be a great way to gather folks for a fun treat. You don't have to "fondue" at home you can go out and fondue. There is a restaurant chain around the US that is centered around fondue. One year a bunch of women all married to Grad students went out for just dessert fondue at a restaurant. It was a lot of fun. None of us had a lot of money, but we were able to all treat a guest of honor and participate for around $8 each.

We have done fondue with high school students at our home as well. I think we laughed the whole time. It was great!

I have some fondue cheese and chocolate recipes I'll be sure to share soon. In the mean time, why don't you think about getting out your fondue pot inviting some friends or neighbors over. Or borrow their fondue pot and ask them to show you how it is done.

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