Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Girls Night Out Baby Shower

My sis in law is getting ready to have her first little girl. She already has a precious little man, but she finally gets to shop in the girls clothes section and have tea parties!

For her baby shower, we decided to take her out for a Girls Night Out and surprise her with a baby shower. We ate at yummy downtown restaurant. We had the restaurant replace their stark white napkins with pink cloth napkins, tied with a simple pink bow and a little plastic pacifier dangling from it. (We brought these with us) We ordered a baby pink flower arrangement to sneak on to the table. (Also brought with us, avoiding a delivery fee). We also ordered a corsage for the guest of honor. I think I may skip flower corsages for my guests of honor in the future. They are expensive and most people really don't enjoy them that much.

We ate dinner and decided to have dessert at a family member's home that lived nearby. When we arrived at the hostess' home, she had a Blue Moon Bakery Cake (local Cary, NC bakery) on a beautiful white cake stand and china sitting on the table. We had our choice of coffee or several varieties of sparkling water. The cake, chocolate with a strawberry mousse was really good! The presents were mostly pink and really precious.

This evening was fun, because we were able to celebrate this new life over a meal, where someone else cooked, cleaned and lets face it, moms rarely ever go out to dinner as a group. So this was a special treat. Moving dessert to someone's home took a little more time, but it provided the opportunity for us to have a more intimate time to talk, share and watch the guest of honor open her gifts. The best part of the evening was hearing about my sister in laws hopes and excitement for her new little girl and getting to ask God to bless this little life.

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