Friday, May 23, 2008

A Shared Anniversary

We have friends and neighbors, D & B, who share our same wedding anniversary. Except they've been married 32 years and we've been married 9.

Last week we got an invitation from D & B to come over to their home for dinner, so we could celebrate our anniversaries together. Maybe this is a new tradition! My mother and father in law have friends that they go out with every year that celebrate their anniversary around the same time. They've been doing this for over 20 years. I think it is a great idea!

D & B fed us well- steak, baked potatoes, yummy rolls and salad. They had a pretty table set, with fresh flowers. The company was great and conversation really fun! We learned a lot about Nascar/car racing and movies. I also finally got to walk around and check out all of D & B's collectibles. They've got some really great stuff!

One of the best parts of the evening was dessert. Our hostess served us, in tall sundae glasses, a banana split sundae. (I think that's the right name...picture coming) But it was layers of tiny vanilla wafers, banana, banana pudding, chocolate sauce, strawberrys, whip cream and topped with a cherry. It was sooooooooooooo good! I highly recommend it!

D & B were great hosts. It's nice to have friends, that also feel like family. And it was really fun to share an evening and anniversary with D & B.

1 comment:

Karen said...

32 years and 9 years?? What fun!!