Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So, what am I thankful for?

I am thankful for so much..it would be hard to list it all.

I am thankful for my amazing husband and sweet curly headed girls. For a supportive and loving extended family. For a neighborhood where I don't just wave at my neighbors, I actually know them and enjoy them. I am thankful for our church. I am thankful for how God took care two very sick little girls, both Lydia and Leighton this year. I am thankful for my home and how God took care of my family when my husband was laid off from his job earlier this year. I am thankful for our family trip to Disney. I am thankful for so much more...

But most of all I am thankful, that I am loved by a God who has no ordinary love for me. His love for me is extraordinary. He "gets me" and loves me anyway.

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