Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Tips 3,4 and 5

Many of you have read that my Grandma, "Mama" died in August. Thanksgiving and Christmas memories at her house are some of my fondest and favorite memories. So I decided to model Tips number 3,4 and 5 after what Mama would've done. She was one of the greatest hostesses, I've ever known.

3- Clean out your fridge the Sunday before and straighten your pantry.

4- Give your house a detailed cleaning the weekend before. Enlist the whole family. Little kids get dust rags and can organize books on the bookshelves. Big kids wash the windows and kitchen appliances.

5- When you are doing all of this smile, talk, hug and laugh with your children and grandchildren. This is vital. Because I never minded helping Mama clean up, because I was getting to clean up with her, my Mom, my Aunt, my sis and brother. And it wasn't such a big chore, because we did it together and Mama always had time to love on us.

We always watched an old movie or old movie musical when we were cleaning. It was nice background noise. And when anyone needed a break they took it.

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