Sunday, July 27, 2008

I liked this quote.

I was in church today and our Pastor said something that really resonated with my heart AND I think applies to my struggle with being such a perfectionist.

He said (something like this):

"Sometimes we are so concerned with being somebody, that we forget that we are loved by someone."

He was talking about how we get so wrapped up in being "somebody" in the eyes of others, instead of realizing that we are loved by someone very important, God.

I believe if I could stop obcessing all the time about how perfect everything is or what people think of me, that I might actually be cured from this problem of perfectionism. I am too worried about being the "somebody who does it right". Why not just keep it be simple and be Kelly, the girl God loves?

Okay- the phone just rang. My in-laws are coming over!!! Right here in the middle of this post. Now what you have to understand is that my mother in law is an amazing woman and is BETTER than Martha Stewart at hospitality, decorating, etc.

Heh. God has such a sense of humor sometimes. I think He might be trying to teach me something. An impromtu guest, right in the middle of my post about relaxing and just knowing I am loved. Sheesh!

I'll let you know how I respond.

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