Saturday, July 26, 2008

Just a thought....

I really enjoy it when people stop by my house unannounced. Call me crazy, but I have always loved it when someone feels comfortable enough to pop in whenever they're "on my side of town" just to say hi. I don't feel pressure to have a picked up house b/c they didn't forewarn me that they were coming and I can just sit and enjoy a visit. Most people don't feel comfortable just stopping by someone's house unannounced...I have, but now that I have 5 children I don't feel nearly as comfortable about it as I used to. Anyways, all that to say...last week a friend of mine picked something up from "the big city" for me (we live 45 minutes from where we go to the doctor/mall/Target) and I was going to swing by to pick it up after dinner. It just so happened that we were going to McD's to get some ice cream sundae's for the kids (a buck each, can't beat it). What we ended up doing is calling my friend and asking if we could bring them dessert and visit for a little while since we were going by anyways. It was a very nice visit....easy/no mess or dishes, the kids ate and then ran around while we all it was about an hour. Now, this particular friend has had us over for dinner before...but in general I think it's hard to invite a family of 7 over for dinner - just the logistics of seats and 2's just crazy. But, this ended up being very nice and I am looking forward to doing it again with other friends and acquaintances that we have.

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