Thursday, September 25, 2008


A nice cool fall day, a box of bread mix that could be "easily" converted into cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate and hot tea.

Everyone in my house was anticipating it. The house smelled wonderful. I pulled them out of the oven, I iced them, I placed the first one on a plate, cooked to "golden perfection" as my hubby would say...

Ahhhh, but looks can be deceiving!! They tasted TERRIBLE. After 2 hours of mixing, kneading, patiently waiting for dough rising, rolling, etc.....down the tubes.

Now my sink is full of dirty dishes, my stomach is empty and I have a pan of good looking bad tasting cinnamon rolls.

What went wrong? I think my hot water was too hot that I added to the bread mix and it totally screwed the whole thing up.

I haven't had a recipe be a complete train wreck, in a long time. My husband has encouraged me to go to the store, buy some more mix and try again. I don't know, maybe I will.

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