Saturday, September 27, 2008

"We're Coming to Visit!"

Today I got to catch up with one of my closest friends. You know the kind that you don't get to see too often, but when you do see them, it's like you haven't been a part at all?!?

It's so nice to have friends like that. My husband is always so happy to hear her voice when she calls, because he knows that I am one step closer to sanity, when we get off the phone. We've always joked that she is my therapist.

Anyway, it was good to catch up. It reminded me of song we use to sing when I was a Girl Scout, "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold."

I am so glad have new friends who can stop in and old friends that can stop by. Either way, I am the one who gets to realize how blessed I am to have folks to call my friends.

There are a lot of letters in the Bible. Paul always was writing one church or another, and often times he'd write "I always thank my God for you, remembering you in my prayers." When I think about my friends, I need to remember to thank God for giving them to me. Because just as that song from Girl scouts says.... one is silver and the other gold...friends are precious treasures.

I have some thoughts on friendship. They are deeper and pretty Jesus oriented. So I'll save them for another day/post. But I wouldn't be telling the truth, if I didn't tell you that my closest friend is Jesus and I wouldn't be a good friend to you, if I didn't tell you why.

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