Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pondering a Fall Get Together

Obviously with the coming of the Fall Season, comes a variety of things. Football, fallen leaves, trading out summer clothes for jackets and jeans, apple picking, hot chocolate, and of course there is CHILI!!!

I have a really good chili recipe. I am not gonna lie. It is good. But I have found over talking with people over the past few weeks that just about everyone has a chili recipe they love.

So I am thinking about finding someone who has a big tv and one Sunday afternoon having a chili fest. Everyone bring their crock pot of chili and sitting around taste testing chili and watching some football and chasing kids.

Here is my menu:

Chili of all varieties
White Rice (b/c I like my chili with rice)
A Big Green Salad
Yummy rolls
Apple Pie for Dessert
And your favorite football beverage.

The kids would have chicken nuggets, apples and green beans.

Hmmmm...the more I think about it, the more it sounds like fun!

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