Friday, August 8, 2008

Accomplished! Well sort of....

I blogged earlier this week about reorganizing my kids' art closet.

Well, I got it done! After 5 days of procrastinating about getting it done, I finally did it. You might ask me what closet organization has to do with hospitality? I think a few different things. One is that with kids, arts and crafts, are a big hit. I have found that I've had some my best conversations with other Moms, while we sat around and played play doh with our preschoolers. Two is, that with having people into your home, you generally do a little straightening up. I have found that have an area sectioned off in my house for arts and crafts has been enormously helpful in the clean up process.

Now while, my art closet is pretty neat and tidy, I did recover a dreaded box of stuff that I need to find a place for. Like I said...clutter has away of just moving from one place to the next. So that's the "sort of" part of this post. I am sort of done organizing the closet.

My husband insisted that I show you a "Before" picture. He said I come off too much like a Martha Stewart if I don't show you the front end of the project. I assured him that my readers all know that I don't have it all together..he obviously doesn't read my blog! But there is no glory in the organized if you can't see what came first. Good Grief! What a mess!

1 comment:

Karen said...

feels good, doesn't it? looks great, kb!!