Sunday, August 31, 2008

Planning for My Christmas Cookie Exchange

I know, I is the beginning of September!?! Why am I already thinking about a Christmas Cookie Exchange. Because you have to pick a date, start budgeting and start thinking about what you might like to do.

I attended my first Christmas Cookie Exchange in St. Louis 5 years ago. It was held by a great neighbor and friend, Christi B. First, let me just say Christi and her family were always having people over. When Ty and I were new to St. Louis and had been in our apt. for all of 5 minutes, we heard a knock on the door and there was Christi with warm chocolate chip cookies and big smile. By the end of our introductions and chatting for a moment, Christi had arranged to bring us dinner that night and have us over in the next week.

Anyway, I had my first Christmas Cookie Exchange last year. It was really cool to get to hang out with my neighbors and see what everyone brought over to share. It is a little bit of work b/c you have to coordinate decorating your house for Christmas, baking and setting up for a party-but it is real motivation to get your Christmas decorating done.

Give it a try!

There are a ton of websites devoted to Christmas Cookie Exchanges if you are looking for ideas.

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