Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mama- A Great Hostess

My Grandma, "Mama", helped raise me. Both my parents worked and worked hard outside of the home. We spent a great deal of time with Mama as a result. I've written about her before on this blog-she really is one of the people who showed me how opening up your home should be a blessing. I never saw her stress about having people over. Ever. Actually, I am not sure I ever saw her stress over a meal to be honest with you. This lady could cook, talk, clean and make you feel like you were the only person in the room all at the same time. Actually she set the bar so high in my mind, I never felt like I could measure up. I obviously missed the whole point, "enjoy those that come into your life" and "there is always room for more".

Mama is in the last days of her life. She has come under Hospice care just last week. She's been sick for a long time and she's getting older. As a result, I've been thinking a lot about all the things that she has taught me over my life.

Even as her body weakens and her mind fades in and out--so frail in her hospital bed, she lifts her head, her eyes fill with joy and she welcomes you into her room and asks you how you are and immediately looks to the child in the room and says "Hey shug. Get you something to eat." And she has a stash of goodies in a drawer she points to or reaches for a her purse to get you give the child money to go to the vending machine. My 3 year old daughter knows and has known since a very young age, that Mama loves her and wants to see her.

What an amazing lesson for me. What an amazing lady! There is always room and time for those who come to visit. Kids should be treasured and a delight. I think a lot of times we forget about making them feel welcome.

Mama has shown me love over my life. And she has shown so many, love and care. I hope that when my life is fading and it is time for me to go to Jesus, that it can be said that I loved God, I loved my family and friends, I treasured and delighted in children, I welcomed many into my home and I cared for those in need.

I don't want to waste another second! I gotta go hug my cute little curly headed girls and tell them how much I love them and how much God loves them.

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