Sunday, August 17, 2008

An Unexpected Find

I have a list of things that I would like to see get done around the house or a list of things I'd like to have for the house.

Because I have decided to be a stay at home Mom, we have to watch our pennies pretty carefully. My husband is a pretty busy dude and when he gets home he just wants to love on his kids. So asking him to do chores around the house is pretty low on the list of priorities for me. So, things that take time go on the list too.

I make this list and put it on the fridge. I pray about it. (Yes, you can pray about stuff like this.) God wants to hear not only our fears and hurts but he is a loving Father that wants to hear about our desires and hopes too.

Friday night I got to cross one of the things that I've been wanting for 3 years off my list!!! It wasn't a big deal in terms of money, but there is always something else more important to buy. Friday night I picked up a new decorative mirror for my guest bathroom. It was regularly $88. I got it for $23. It's better than what I would have picked out on my own.

I was so excited, I could feel my face turning red and my heart racing. I had just prayed about all the stuff on the list earlier in the week, and look what happened when I least expected it! A blessing.

God cares. I like that about Him.

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