Friday, August 15, 2008

The Importance of Appetizers

This week I made a meal for about 25 people.

You are not going to believe this, but I didn't lose my mind. In fact, I didn't stress at all. I know you are probably thinking some sort of alien inhabited my body, but I assure you I am still Kelly.

I just decided early on that I wasn't going to stress about it. It was a meal for my family, as we gathered to celebrate my Grandmother's life and share memories of her.

So how do you feed 25 people lunch? Well, it wasn't too hard for me to figure out, that I didn't want to cook the main dish. So I had them catered. As an expression of sympathy, some families we know got together and donated a Honey Baked Ham and Baked Ziti Tray.

So, then I just kept it simple. Added side dishes to complement the main dishes.

Appetizers were the most important part of the meal. Now I've never put much emphasis on appetizers before, but I've found that they are essential when feeding a big crowd. Some people run really late and sometimes the main meal doesn't come off on time.

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