Monday, August 4, 2008

I Am So Glad I Don't Have Cable

Here is why- I would be addicted to all the "clean sweep", "redecorate your room in 24 hours" and Food Network shows.

Seems like I am always reorganizing something around my house. I am a container addict. It's really a sickness. I love organizing stuff and uncluttering. Unfortunately, it seems like my clutter just moves from one place to the next despite my best efforts to be organized.

This week I am going to work on my kid's art closet AGAIN. Seems like once a quarter I have to clean out the beloved arts and crafts center and start all over again. I'll take pictures of it when I am done. I got a lot of the organizational ideas out of various magazines. I am going to try and not get mad. I always get mad about this particular area of the house b/c it seems like there is a place for everything, why can't it all get put back?!? But, I just realized the other day that I am guilty of just tossing stuff in there too. Uh-oh. I am going to have to be on my best behavior b/c I contributed to the mess!

We'll see how it comes together.

1 comment:

Karen said...

good luck on the art closet...i look forward to seeing the end result!